18 years ago...when he was born. by
Edward: "Water 35 liters, carbon 20kg, ammonia 4 liters, lime 1.5kg, phosphorus 800g, salt 250g, saltpeter 100g, sulfur 80g, fluorine 7.5g, iron 5g, silicon 3g, and trace amounts of 15 other elements."
Rose: "What's that?"
Edward: "It's all the ingredient of the average adult human body,down to the last spec of protein in your eyelashes. And even though science has given us the entire psychical breakdown,there's never been a successful attempt to bringing a human to life. There's still something missing. Something's scientist haven't been able to find in century of research. So what's make you think that heck job priest with his parlor trick is gonna be able to?"
Rose: "......."
Edward: "And in case you're wondering,all those ingredient can be bought on a child's allowance. Human's can be build in the cheep. There's no magic to it."
Rose: "Well if there's no magic,then you bring someone back to life!"
Edward: "Just the matter of time,Rose. Science will find a way. Science is the answer to everything. If I were you,I drop description and pick up an alchemy book. We're the closest things to God there are."
Rose: "You not a God. You nothing close to It."
Edward: "And neither is the Sun. It just a mass of hydrogen. Get close to it like Cornello claims,and all you do is burnt up..."
From an anime,Fullmetal Alchemist,Episode One.
Human are special. That's why we can't bring human back to life. It's a taboo to all of us. And for that,all of us are special. We're different to animal,where we can think rational. We're special,because human formation is still a mystery to most scientist.
I was born on 16/01/1993,and was given a name Muhammad Alif Bin Shabuddin Shah. Most of the people say that my name is unique,but I think it's because of my dad's name. Origin from Selangor,I stay with my family at Ampang,Selangor. At from very young age,I start to learn English,using computers and playing video games with Sega Sarturn. When I was 7 years old,I was moved at some area at Johore and start my first schooling at SK Kompleks Uda. But after a year,I was moved to Rompin,Pahang and stay ewith my aunt. I was 8 at that time. I'm schooling at SK Pontian,and I met many friends,but in the end,after a year,I was moved again to Ampang and schooling at SK Taman Tasek,Ampang Selangor. I was schooling there until I was 11,and I was moved to Damansara Damai 1 at Sungai Buloh. Before that,my parent was divorce when I was 10,so it's kinda a difficult time for me. I was schooling at SK Damansara Damai 1 until I finish my UPSR. At that time,I met my first best friend,Adibah. She was kinda tomboy,but she's open-minded. We're best friend like in 'My Heart' movie,and most of the people (student and teacher) think that we're a couple. But we're just friend,really. Then for the next year,when i was 12,I met another best friend,named Amar Makruf and Fakhrul. Amar was a VERY CLEVER guy,always got straight A for every exam,like to draw cartoon (mostly anime and his own comic),and most important...he like Harry Potter. As for Fakhrul,he was the tallest person at our school. Wearing a spec,he likes Powerpuff Girls...kinda weird,but I like hang out with them. I still remember my first day of schooling there. Tomorrow,I was told that we have to sing when Music class. So,I was plan to sing 'Dambaan Pilu - Khai (AF 1). And the result...I got 100% for my Music subject. After then,I met Adibah.
I have so many memories from that school. The time when the three of us (Me,Amar adn Fakhrul) go to recess together,the time when we ricite 'Asma-Hul Husna' wrong,the time when we spent times together...there's so much. And I still remember when I met my neighbor,Mira Syakira. We're sometimes hang out together,go to school together,and she even drop by to my house after school. Ah...the memories...but I have to move again to Rompin,Pahang before I even get my UPSR result. At that time,I was 13,and I just make my own IC. And I was introduce to a school named SMK Rompin. There,I was put into the hostel. At first,I really can't get used to the enviroment,because it was what people called, sudden culture shock...but only after a few months,I was able to make friends. And from that school,I met Islah,and we're friends since then until now. People start to recognized me when Iwas a mascot for my Yellow House in KOT (Kejohanan Olahraga Tahunan). I still remember I was wearing a big,yellow shrimp mascot,and we're won for that. From that school also,I won many competition in Police Cadet. So many achievement,I can't list them all here. I was given rank Sargent,and suppose to be SI,but since there's no Police Cadet camp last year,I'm stuck with that rank. Oh well,at least I still can contribute to the Cadet,since I was a Chairman in 2010 for the cadet. I also a Chairman for my English Language Society Club (ELS),since I was good in English.
I love the hostel. The head warden,Ustad Syafie,was kinda like our farther to us. He always find a way to educate his 'children',so that we can be a better person in the future. But I still remember his 'signature' every time it was Subuh.
"Hei,mu buat benda tue?!" (Hei,what are you doing?!)
"Bangun,bangun...Subuh,Subuh..." (Wake up,wake up...Subuh,Subuh...)
And because of him,we become a person. A human. A better person. Thank you so much,Ustad Syafie. I never forgot your 'nasi lemak'. Your nasi lemak cannot be find in any stall. It was like a drug to us,addicted every night. That can cause havoc if you didn't sell it even for one day.
This is the only school that I can hold on,that is five years in the row,from Form One,till Form Five. Until I finished my last SPM paper.... SMK Rompin. I wish I can contribute more to that school. I really wish so...
I make my own community,named Shadow Community. We're kinda like research team,where we try to understand and expose to public so that they also gain useful information. So far,it's still under development,but we're ready to kick it up when the time was right.
Beside Islah,I also had Muhammad Saufi (a.k.a Justin Bieber) and Fikry Fahmie (a.k.a Lando). I always take them as my brother. Kinda like a brotherhood to us...
Well,I think that's it. If you want to know more about me,just leave a cooment,and I'll reply as soon as possible. Thanks anyway for the visit my blog! Hope you'll enjoy.. :3
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18 years ago...when he was born. by

Edward: "Water 35 liters, carbon 20kg, ammonia 4 liters, lime 1.5kg, phosphorus 800g, salt 250g, saltpeter 100g, sulfur 80g, fluorine 7.5g, iron 5g, silicon 3g, and trace amounts of 15 other elements."
Rose: "What's that?"
Edward: "It's all the ingredient of the average adult human body,down to the last spec of protein in your eyelashes. And even though science has given us the entire psychical breakdown,there's never been a successful attempt to bringing a human to life. There's still something missing. Something's scientist haven't been able to find in century of research. So what's make you think that heck job priest with his parlor trick is gonna be able to?"
Rose: "......."
Edward: "And in case you're wondering,all those ingredient can be bought on a child's allowance. Human's can be build in the cheep. There's no magic to it."
Rose: "Well if there's no magic,then you bring someone back to life!"
Edward: "Just the matter of time,Rose. Science will find a way. Science is the answer to everything. If I were you,I drop description and pick up an alchemy book. We're the closest things to God there are."
Rose: "You not a God. You nothing close to It."
Edward: "And neither is the Sun. It just a mass of hydrogen. Get close to it like Cornello claims,and all you do is burnt up..."
From an anime,Fullmetal Alchemist,Episode One.
Human are special. That's why we can't bring human back to life. It's a taboo to all of us. And for that,all of us are special. We're different to animal,where we can think rational. We're special,because human formation is still a mystery to most scientist.
I was born on 16/01/1993,and was given a name Muhammad Alif Bin Shabuddin Shah. Most of the people say that my name is unique,but I think it's because of my dad's name. Origin from Selangor,I stay with my family at Ampang,Selangor. At from very young age,I start to learn English,using computers and playing video games with Sega Sarturn. When I was 7 years old,I was moved at some area at Johore and start my first schooling at SK Kompleks Uda. But after a year,I was moved to Rompin,Pahang and stay ewith my aunt. I was 8 at that time. I'm schooling at SK Pontian,and I met many friends,but in the end,after a year,I was moved again to Ampang and schooling at SK Taman Tasek,Ampang Selangor. I was schooling there until I was 11,and I was moved to Damansara Damai 1 at Sungai Buloh. Before that,my parent was divorce when I was 10,so it's kinda a difficult time for me. I was schooling at SK Damansara Damai 1 until I finish my UPSR. At that time,I met my first best friend,Adibah. She was kinda tomboy,but she's open-minded. We're best friend like in 'My Heart' movie,and most of the people (student and teacher) think that we're a couple. But we're just friend,really. Then for the next year,when i was 12,I met another best friend,named Amar Makruf and Fakhrul. Amar was a VERY CLEVER guy,always got straight A for every exam,like to draw cartoon (mostly anime and his own comic),and most important...he like Harry Potter. As for Fakhrul,he was the tallest person at our school. Wearing a spec,he likes Powerpuff Girls...kinda weird,but I like hang out with them. I still remember my first day of schooling there. Tomorrow,I was told that we have to sing when Music class. So,I was plan to sing 'Dambaan Pilu - Khai (AF 1). And the result...I got 100% for my Music subject. After then,I met Adibah.
I have so many memories from that school. The time when the three of us (Me,Amar adn Fakhrul) go to recess together,the time when we ricite 'Asma-Hul Husna' wrong,the time when we spent times together...there's so much. And I still remember when I met my neighbor,Mira Syakira. We're sometimes hang out together,go to school together,and she even drop by to my house after school. Ah...the memories...but I have to move again to Rompin,Pahang before I even get my UPSR result. At that time,I was 13,and I just make my own IC. And I was introduce to a school named SMK Rompin. There,I was put into the hostel. At first,I really can't get used to the enviroment,because it was what people called, sudden culture shock...but only after a few months,I was able to make friends. And from that school,I met Islah,and we're friends since then until now. People start to recognized me when Iwas a mascot for my Yellow House in KOT (Kejohanan Olahraga Tahunan). I still remember I was wearing a big,yellow shrimp mascot,and we're won for that. From that school also,I won many competition in Police Cadet. So many achievement,I can't list them all here. I was given rank Sargent,and suppose to be SI,but since there's no Police Cadet camp last year,I'm stuck with that rank. Oh well,at least I still can contribute to the Cadet,since I was a Chairman in 2010 for the cadet. I also a Chairman for my English Language Society Club (ELS),since I was good in English.
I love the hostel. The head warden,Ustad Syafie,was kinda like our farther to us. He always find a way to educate his 'children',so that we can be a better person in the future. But I still remember his 'signature' every time it was Subuh.
"Hei,mu buat benda tue?!" (Hei,what are you doing?!)
"Bangun,bangun...Subuh,Subuh..." (Wake up,wake up...Subuh,Subuh...)
And because of him,we become a person. A human. A better person. Thank you so much,Ustad Syafie. I never forgot your 'nasi lemak'. Your nasi lemak cannot be find in any stall. It was like a drug to us,addicted every night. That can cause havoc if you didn't sell it even for one day.
This is the only school that I can hold on,that is five years in the row,from Form One,till Form Five. Until I finished my last SPM paper.... SMK Rompin. I wish I can contribute more to that school. I really wish so...
I make my own community,named Shadow Community. We're kinda like research team,where we try to understand and expose to public so that they also gain useful information. So far,it's still under development,but we're ready to kick it up when the time was right.
Beside Islah,I also had Muhammad Saufi (a.k.a Justin Bieber) and Fikry Fahmie (a.k.a Lando). I always take them as my brother. Kinda like a brotherhood to us...
Well,I think that's it. If you want to know more about me,just leave a cooment,and I'll reply as soon as possible. Thanks anyway for the visit my blog! Hope you'll enjoy.. :3
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