The Reconnection Of The Lost Chain (1) by
Welcome Malaysia to my blog!
Today is 25 February 2011. First of all,I'm sorry for the delay of every day's post,due to being busy...well,kinda...a bit of a problematic or troubling situation that occurs around me. Kinda needless to bring that up...
And secondly,I'll make sure that I'll update my blog every day,included with picture! Yes people,I got my very own camera,thanks to my beloved Mak Long Latifah.
Where was I...hmm...
My latest post was on 26 January,so I should tell you the aftermath of the story.
After all the fighting,I end up living with my aunt Julia,lived at Mutiara Damansara. Huh? Dont you know? Dont you know...The Curve,E @ Curve,Ikano,Ikea and Tesco and all those places? Well,there's a residential area called Pelangi Damansara,just a few meters ,a walking distance away from The Curve. Well,I was here,at Pelangi Damansara for the past weeks
My first story will be about my EXPERIENCE WITH EVERYTHING...
One day I decided to go around with my cousin,Talhah,but I was kinda wondering about the destination,when I realize that I needed a pendrive for storage of personal information,at the same time he need to buy a CD game called Mass Effect 2 (which is REALLY COOL!)

We dropped off from Bangsa,we took the bangsa LRT to KL Sentral,then take a monorail to Bukit Bintang (I think...) our destination was Low Yatt,Sungai Wang Plaza and Time Square(A short distance from Bukit Bintang). And for Extra Information...EVERYTHING WAS THE FIRST TIME I went to these places! Description of these places from my point of view:
Low Yatt: JAM-PACK WITH PEOPLE! I was wondering though,it was the largest and the cheapest place for gadgets and electronic devices, which was what everybody was looking for,and as i said - extremely packed with people. Totally a big difference from JB IT store,Landmark Tower,Where you can count the number of people there are without mistakes,without calculators............with no mistakes.
Sungai Wang Plaza: Okaay so far,just a bit of a problem locating the 'surau',which is located on the 4th floor,around the car park area. And it was so freaking hot at the car park ,could fry an egg with the heat. I started to wonder if the vents were working or were they too darn lazy to even work on the vents...
Time Square: The theme park was SO COOL! The downside was with the un-metered taxi though,different from what I encountered at JB...I miss that taxi driver,now that I've mentioned it. I still remember his story about using those expensive taxi's in KL,and it was the actual truth...
We dropped off from the station to Low Yatt Plaza,which is just a short distance there. Once I entered the plaza...BAM! Big crowds of people looking out for extremely cheap electronics!! And almost everything was on sale,with extremely high percentage discounts ,highest offers in Malaysia. (From my point of view) Think I'm kidding? Check this out! If you are from Rompin,the 2GB pendrive will cost RM28,but here in beloved Low Yatt...for 4GB,they sold RM24! Not only is it cheap,you can have an extra 2GB!
Then we walked to Sungai Wang Plaza,also just a short distance from Low Yatt,Talhah suggested Teppanyaki for Dinner,a japanese delicacy ,and it was my FIRST TIME! ^_^
It's rice and beef(depends on your order),and...packed with vegetables(I hate vegetables but these were real nice!)...Looking forward to Teppanyaki again,anybody up for that!?... ^_^
Lastly,Time Square,we spotted Sushi king from the bowling alley, decided to pack some sushi for later .I saw an arcade and played a game "Razing Storm",one the latest arcade games to come out, definitely worth trying out. After one round, it was 10:00...One problem...How the heck we suppose to go back home?we rushed to the monorail,line was long and it kept adding up,we tried the taxi's,but every taxi was un-metered and expensive,plus we were kinda broke. So,
Plan B...take the monorail... =="
After a long wait that we survived (surprisingly) From Bukit Bintang monorail station,we went to KL Sentral,LRT was closed without a doubt "11:30" DUH! but with our luck we saw the bus coded U82 ,just our luck,our savior,appeared like heaven ,the last bus to One Utama close by our place ,but quite a distance...And we had to hour! ==" . Before we boarded the bus,we saw a bunch of Korean girls(worth the wait)! They were so hot! Ehem...moving on...the bus was U82,that is to One Utama. (When I mention this,I remember every bus,was coded with numbers,like U82, U88, U87. I think it's kinda convenient for the passengers...I think...)
From One Utama,we walked back, I noticed that One Utama is quite close to our house(If we don't accidently make a whole circle around The Curve ==").....and our adventure ends. Next thing I remember,I pull the beds out followed by a long heavenly sleep...
Well,that's my first story. Next story would be RECRUITED BY MCDONALDS after a long search for a job,and some embarrassing moments of asking for vacancy and running away when noticing the job requirements...Talhah's fault(How 'malu' was I... ==")
More picture's coming up!
But for now,I think I should stop ,since its 5:00AM. Kinda tired out,and in need for sleep,coz I have work tomorrow,well actually, today ,from 9 AM till 5 PM. But,I'll try to update frequently !. Till then! Sayonara guys!
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The Reconnection Of The Lost Chain (1) by

Welcome Malaysia to my blog!
Today is 25 February 2011. First of all,I'm sorry for the delay of every day's post,due to being busy...well,kinda...a bit of a problematic or troubling situation that occurs around me. Kinda needless to bring that up...
And secondly,I'll make sure that I'll update my blog every day,included with picture! Yes people,I got my very own camera,thanks to my beloved Mak Long Latifah.
Where was I...hmm...
My latest post was on 26 January,so I should tell you the aftermath of the story.
After all the fighting,I end up living with my aunt Julia,lived at Mutiara Damansara. Huh? Dont you know? Dont you know...The Curve,E @ Curve,Ikano,Ikea and Tesco and all those places? Well,there's a residential area called Pelangi Damansara,just a few meters ,a walking distance away from The Curve. Well,I was here,at Pelangi Damansara for the past weeks
My first story will be about my EXPERIENCE WITH EVERYTHING...
One day I decided to go around with my cousin,Talhah,but I was kinda wondering about the destination,when I realize that I needed a pendrive for storage of personal information,at the same time he need to buy a CD game called Mass Effect 2 (which is REALLY COOL!)

We dropped off from Bangsa,we took the bangsa LRT to KL Sentral,then take a monorail to Bukit Bintang (I think...) our destination was Low Yatt,Sungai Wang Plaza and Time Square(A short distance from Bukit Bintang). And for Extra Information...EVERYTHING WAS THE FIRST TIME I went to these places! Description of these places from my point of view:
Low Yatt: JAM-PACK WITH PEOPLE! I was wondering though,it was the largest and the cheapest place for gadgets and electronic devices, which was what everybody was looking for,and as i said - extremely packed with people. Totally a big difference from JB IT store,Landmark Tower,Where you can count the number of people there are without mistakes,without calculators............with no mistakes.
Sungai Wang Plaza: Okaay so far,just a bit of a problem locating the 'surau',which is located on the 4th floor,around the car park area. And it was so freaking hot at the car park ,could fry an egg with the heat. I started to wonder if the vents were working or were they too darn lazy to even work on the vents...
Time Square: The theme park was SO COOL! The downside was with the un-metered taxi though,different from what I encountered at JB...I miss that taxi driver,now that I've mentioned it. I still remember his story about using those expensive taxi's in KL,and it was the actual truth...
We dropped off from the station to Low Yatt Plaza,which is just a short distance there. Once I entered the plaza...BAM! Big crowds of people looking out for extremely cheap electronics!! And almost everything was on sale,with extremely high percentage discounts ,highest offers in Malaysia. (From my point of view) Think I'm kidding? Check this out! If you are from Rompin,the 2GB pendrive will cost RM28,but here in beloved Low Yatt...for 4GB,they sold RM24! Not only is it cheap,you can have an extra 2GB!
Then we walked to Sungai Wang Plaza,also just a short distance from Low Yatt,Talhah suggested Teppanyaki for Dinner,a japanese delicacy ,and it was my FIRST TIME! ^_^
It's rice and beef(depends on your order),and...packed with vegetables(I hate vegetables but these were real nice!)...Looking forward to Teppanyaki again,anybody up for that!?... ^_^
Lastly,Time Square,we spotted Sushi king from the bowling alley, decided to pack some sushi for later .I saw an arcade and played a game "Razing Storm",one the latest arcade games to come out, definitely worth trying out. After one round, it was 10:00...One problem...How the heck we suppose to go back home?we rushed to the monorail,line was long and it kept adding up,we tried the taxi's,but every taxi was un-metered and expensive,plus we were kinda broke. So,
Plan B...take the monorail... =="
After a long wait that we survived (surprisingly) From Bukit Bintang monorail station,we went to KL Sentral,LRT was closed without a doubt "11:30" DUH! but with our luck we saw the bus coded U82 ,just our luck,our savior,appeared like heaven ,the last bus to One Utama close by our place ,but quite a distance...And we had to hour! ==" . Before we boarded the bus,we saw a bunch of Korean girls(worth the wait)! They were so hot! Ehem...moving on...the bus was U82,that is to One Utama. (When I mention this,I remember every bus,was coded with numbers,like U82, U88, U87. I think it's kinda convenient for the passengers...I think...)
From One Utama,we walked back, I noticed that One Utama is quite close to our house(If we don't accidently make a whole circle around The Curve ==").....and our adventure ends. Next thing I remember,I pull the beds out followed by a long heavenly sleep...
Well,that's my first story. Next story would be RECRUITED BY MCDONALDS after a long search for a job,and some embarrassing moments of asking for vacancy and running away when noticing the job requirements...Talhah's fault(How 'malu' was I... ==")
More picture's coming up!
But for now,I think I should stop ,since its 5:00AM. Kinda tired out,and in need for sleep,coz I have work tomorrow,well actually, today ,from 9 AM till 5 PM. But,I'll try to update frequently !. Till then! Sayonara guys!
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