King and Queen Of A Day... by
Hye Malaysia! We're meet again in my blog. 31/03/2011,10.00 PM and today it's the last day of March. Time flies really fast huh? Man,we're getting old. Hahaha!!
It's almost April,and I almost forgot to update my blog. Well,I wasn't forgot it completely,but I'm kinda busy,and most of the time,I need to rest,so I had to skip my blog for a while. If I had time,I'll update it. ^_^
Today's topic is King and Queen Of A Day...for this,I want to congrats my Balong and Baie because they already meet their match. May you guys relationship will last till the end. ^_^
17/03/2011,I decide to return to Rompin,since my work is off every Friday,so after work,I decide to go to Hentian Putra,as suggest by my aunt,that is Talhah's mother. Lucky, just when I arrive home,she called me and ask to get ready,so that she could sent me to Hentian Putra. Luck on our side,the bus MARA LINER is the only bus that available to Rompin. But it's only available as shown:
KL -> Rompin : 5.00PM
Rompin -> KL : 9.30AM
At that time,I still remember that it was 4.45PM,and I buy the ticket just in time. After saying goodbye to my aunt and buy 3 pieces of Dorayaki,off I went to Rompin. The journey took around 4 - 5 hours,depend on traffic. I've reach there around 10.30PM,as I remember. After a long rest,it's Friday. At this moment,there's a lot of work to do. Carrying stuff,set up the table,buy some stuff...yeah,it's really tiering,but what the heck? Once in the while...nothing harm done,wasn't it? Anyway,the theme is green,which is I notice when it is the day of the ceremony,or in Malay,'kenduri'. Even myself was wearing green shirt. Huhu...
All was started with 'Katam al-Quran' ceremony at 9.00AM,and the lucky person is my beloved sister,Nur Farah Aishah.
Then the 'kenduri' start around 11.00AM.
Balong and Kak Lyn arrive around 12.30PM.
Everything is going well according to plan,except it's start to raining when Baie's turn. Lucky it wasn't raining heavily.
Then it's picture session at the beach,but I can't remember the place. XP
I really hope that their relationship will last forever...with all those happy thinking,I almost forgot how the hell I should go back to KL? =="
Lucky I got Kak Wahid to sent me to a terminal at Kuantan. Since my bus is around 5.00PM,I expect I'll arrive late,and I had reach to my aunt house at 11.30PM. And to make my life crazy,had work at 12.00AM till 7.00AM. But my work were extended till 9.00AM. Effect? I was asleep from 4.00PM till 11.00PM,and that's scary. Oh well,that's life, I guest.
I think that's it. But it doesn't end here. I came back to KL on 20/03/2011,and I have to return to Rompin back on 22/03/2011,so it's a crazy week for me. For that,I'll post about it later.
To my beloved Mak Long and Pak Long,congrats. Can't wait till you guys have grandchild. ^_^
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King and Queen Of A Day... by

Hye Malaysia! We're meet again in my blog. 31/03/2011,10.00 PM and today it's the last day of March. Time flies really fast huh? Man,we're getting old. Hahaha!!
It's almost April,and I almost forgot to update my blog. Well,I wasn't forgot it completely,but I'm kinda busy,and most of the time,I need to rest,so I had to skip my blog for a while. If I had time,I'll update it. ^_^
Today's topic is King and Queen Of A Day...for this,I want to congrats my Balong and Baie because they already meet their match. May you guys relationship will last till the end. ^_^
17/03/2011,I decide to return to Rompin,since my work is off every Friday,so after work,I decide to go to Hentian Putra,as suggest by my aunt,that is Talhah's mother. Lucky, just when I arrive home,she called me and ask to get ready,so that she could sent me to Hentian Putra. Luck on our side,the bus MARA LINER is the only bus that available to Rompin. But it's only available as shown:
KL -> Rompin : 5.00PM
Rompin -> KL : 9.30AM
At that time,I still remember that it was 4.45PM,and I buy the ticket just in time. After saying goodbye to my aunt and buy 3 pieces of Dorayaki,off I went to Rompin. The journey took around 4 - 5 hours,depend on traffic. I've reach there around 10.30PM,as I remember. After a long rest,it's Friday. At this moment,there's a lot of work to do. Carrying stuff,set up the table,buy some stuff...yeah,it's really tiering,but what the heck? Once in the while...nothing harm done,wasn't it? Anyway,the theme is green,which is I notice when it is the day of the ceremony,or in Malay,'kenduri'. Even myself was wearing green shirt. Huhu...
All was started with 'Katam al-Quran' ceremony at 9.00AM,and the lucky person is my beloved sister,Nur Farah Aishah.
Then the 'kenduri' start around 11.00AM.
Balong and Kak Lyn arrive around 12.30PM.
Everything is going well according to plan,except it's start to raining when Baie's turn. Lucky it wasn't raining heavily.
Then it's picture session at the beach,but I can't remember the place. XP
I really hope that their relationship will last forever...with all those happy thinking,I almost forgot how the hell I should go back to KL? =="
Lucky I got Kak Wahid to sent me to a terminal at Kuantan. Since my bus is around 5.00PM,I expect I'll arrive late,and I had reach to my aunt house at 11.30PM. And to make my life crazy,had work at 12.00AM till 7.00AM. But my work were extended till 9.00AM. Effect? I was asleep from 4.00PM till 11.00PM,and that's scary. Oh well,that's life, I guest.
I think that's it. But it doesn't end here. I came back to KL on 20/03/2011,and I have to return to Rompin back on 22/03/2011,so it's a crazy week for me. For that,I'll post about it later.
To my beloved Mak Long and Pak Long,congrats. Can't wait till you guys have grandchild. ^_^
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