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Malaysian's Attitude : Is That Us? by
22 April 2011|0 talkative person(s)

Assalamualaikum and good evening Malaysia~!
21st March 2011,and Justin Bieber is singing at Stadium Merdera~! I wonder what has happen there...I mean,the fans. ^_^

I really wanna go,but I heard that the ticket was expensive,so I just forget it. ^_^

Ok,as you can read from the title,I'm going to talk about Malaysian's attitude. As we know,the government has launched a dozen of campaign,such as Tak Nak Merokok,Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita,Membaca Gaya Wawasan,1Malaysia,and what so ever. The good thing is the government has the initiative and spent their money in a many good things and in a many good ways. The problem is,are we learnt and follow the whole campaigns~? If we are,why don't Malaysian take it as everyday life routine~?

'Tak Nak Merokok' campaign.

'Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita' campaign

'Banga Membaca,Bangsa Berjaya' campaign

Take smoking campaign for example. Even though the government has done so many things to reduce the number of smokers,but the numbers actually remain the same. What's worst is,women contribute 20% of it. Don't believe me? If you weren't in KL area,you should read Kosmo!'s article 'Tembakau Bencana Untuk Wanita'. I know,because I have already seen it...luckily most of them are Chinese...I haven't seen any Malay women smoke. If they is...I am really disappointed because women aren't suppose to smoke. It's TOTALLY WRONG~! (In my point of view~)

As for Budi Bahasa campaign...well,you can see most 'kampung' people,especially those who lived in rural area,always polite in every way. How to say thank you,please, 'Q' up,and all that...but different story in KL. Why? Check this out~!

Is that us~? o.0"
OMG~! We're so rude~!

Yes people~! As you can see,Malaysia is the third rudest country according to Reader Digest. Read more in this blog. The tile is Malaysians Are Rude, 'Ruder', 'Rudest'. But actually...Malaysians are quite polite,in their own ways~ 

MAHSA student~

As for reading campaign...for this one,it's something that I should proud of as a Malaysian:

MAHSA student (I think she's cute~ ^_^)

MAHSA student also~ ^_^

Malaysians are quite good readers. Why? Take women as an example. Ask them do they read novel often? According to our analysis,almost 70% women read novels. The rest just read normal books or cookery books,which is kinda good though~! As for men,most of them just read magazines or 'How To' books.

With all this,I hope this entry will reflect ourself. Are we following the government campaigns,or are we just damn lazy. What ever it is,some Malaysians must have doing this routine,even though they did not realize that they have this habit. Next time when we cut a 'Q',or when someone is pushing you towards the lift,and we are pissed off with other's action,try take a mirror and reflect ourself. Do we 'Q' properly? Do we say sorry every time we make mistakes? Are we perfect? If you say YES to all the question,you're actually a liar. We're not perfect,so be ourself.

'People might force you to join them. But let them know that they can't change your stand'

Here's a video for you to pounder~

Well,I guest that's it. Till then~! ^_^

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