Bragging: Go For It~! by
Assalamualaikum to all low-profile girls and of course, over-confident guys~
"I can't sleep actually. This due to the effect of over-dose of Nescafe in my body. In other terms? Too much caffeine in my body, I guess. So, to summaries all, if you want to stay awake for a short period of time, DO NOT DRINK NESCAFE. The clock is now 5.30AM, and I my eyes still can't shut."
That's my bragging about my current situation right now. And that's also my intro to explain today's post entry.
As usual, we'll go though to the meaning of BRAG before we definition, I mean. According to Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary 8th Edition:
" to talk too proudly about something you own or something you have done. It is synonym for the word 'boast' "
"Bragging is when someone CONSTANTLY tells people about something they may have succeeded in or perhaps they were told by their boss they were intelligent and doing a good job (and there can be many more reasons for bragging.) However, telling family and friends once about your good fortune IS NOT bragging. Some people just love to shove their success right up the noses of those that they know aren't having a good time of it. Once said, leave it alone unless someone asks how things are going."
Okay, to summarize, bragging means you talk something with proud (in other word, boast), about something you own or about something you achieve. But that's not exactly my point for this entry. Look at the picture above. What do you think my 'bragging' means?
"Then, what the hell is exactly your point, Mr.Know-It-All?"
By definition, it is something about boasting yourself. But 'brag' that I want to talk about is when you talk about something, anything about a particular things, and usually you'll talk about it in a long period of time. Think as you're randomly say about something.
"Hold on...random? Now I'm getting confuse."
Again, let's look back in Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary 8th Edition:
"(informal) a thing or person that is random is strange and does not make sense, often in a way that amuses or interests you."
"Random means not expected. Something that is unpredictable, has no pattern or objective."
Random is something that you talk about something all over the sudden, and it attract other people to listen to you before they realize that you're talking about something unimportant, but it is something interesting to hear.
"Okay, but what's the big deal about bragging and random about stuff?"
It IS a big deal, especially if you're lack of confidence; that is, if you didn't have confidence to talk in English, or if you talk in 'Singlish' (Mix English) or if you think that you're talking in broken English. . Bragging is very useful when someone is trying to learn a language; English of most certain among students in Malaysia. It is one of my technique when I'm teaching English to all my friend after they have learn some simple words and structure. Then, I'll ask them to brag about anything; music, scenery, food, game, mobile phone, weather...anything that cross their mind. This exercise will make them more confident, along to hone their skills in English and how to talk confidently.
I usually brag about something when I have a sudden rush of ideas in my brain. For some reason, my head is ache, urge to tell people what's in my mind before it fade away. Before I came to UiTM, I always talk about random stuff with my aunt, and she always complain "Alif, you are so freaking random guy." I reply, "Well, at least you find it interesting." And she agree.
The reason why I random and bragging about stuff at the same time is because I want to built my confidence when I'm facing; let's say, interview. I'm train myself to keep generate ideas about thing that I would like to talk about. And it prove useful in my English lesson class; when we were asked to present about something on the spot, think about that particular thing for a limited time, then brag about the topic.
How the cat can cross a group of dog without been chase? Think about it with this picture. Relate it with you, other people (people that is greater than you) and self confidence.
But don't be too confident. People will find out that you're an annoying person in the whole planet.
I'm still thinking about making "30 Seconds To Brag" video for season 2, but due of lack of time, I always have to postpone. Insya-Allah, I'll try to look for a free time and I'll post it in Facebook when I have the chance. ^_^
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Bragging: Go For It~! by

Assalamualaikum to all low-profile girls and of course, over-confident guys~
"I can't sleep actually. This due to the effect of over-dose of Nescafe in my body. In other terms? Too much caffeine in my body, I guess. So, to summaries all, if you want to stay awake for a short period of time, DO NOT DRINK NESCAFE. The clock is now 5.30AM, and I my eyes still can't shut."
That's my bragging about my current situation right now. And that's also my intro to explain today's post entry.
As usual, we'll go though to the meaning of BRAG before we definition, I mean. According to Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary 8th Edition:
" to talk too proudly about something you own or something you have done. It is synonym for the word 'boast' "
"Bragging is when someone CONSTANTLY tells people about something they may have succeeded in or perhaps they were told by their boss they were intelligent and doing a good job (and there can be many more reasons for bragging.) However, telling family and friends once about your good fortune IS NOT bragging. Some people just love to shove their success right up the noses of those that they know aren't having a good time of it. Once said, leave it alone unless someone asks how things are going."
Okay, to summarize, bragging means you talk something with proud (in other word, boast), about something you own or about something you achieve. But that's not exactly my point for this entry. Look at the picture above. What do you think my 'bragging' means?
"Then, what the hell is exactly your point, Mr.Know-It-All?"
By definition, it is something about boasting yourself. But 'brag' that I want to talk about is when you talk about something, anything about a particular things, and usually you'll talk about it in a long period of time. Think as you're randomly say about something.
"Hold on...random? Now I'm getting confuse."
Again, let's look back in Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary 8th Edition:
"(informal) a thing or person that is random is strange and does not make sense, often in a way that amuses or interests you."
"Random means not expected. Something that is unpredictable, has no pattern or objective."
Random is something that you talk about something all over the sudden, and it attract other people to listen to you before they realize that you're talking about something unimportant, but it is something interesting to hear.
"Okay, but what's the big deal about bragging and random about stuff?"
It IS a big deal, especially if you're lack of confidence; that is, if you didn't have confidence to talk in English, or if you talk in 'Singlish' (Mix English) or if you think that you're talking in broken English. . Bragging is very useful when someone is trying to learn a language; English of most certain among students in Malaysia. It is one of my technique when I'm teaching English to all my friend after they have learn some simple words and structure. Then, I'll ask them to brag about anything; music, scenery, food, game, mobile phone, weather...anything that cross their mind. This exercise will make them more confident, along to hone their skills in English and how to talk confidently.
I usually brag about something when I have a sudden rush of ideas in my brain. For some reason, my head is ache, urge to tell people what's in my mind before it fade away. Before I came to UiTM, I always talk about random stuff with my aunt, and she always complain "Alif, you are so freaking random guy." I reply, "Well, at least you find it interesting." And she agree.
The reason why I random and bragging about stuff at the same time is because I want to built my confidence when I'm facing; let's say, interview. I'm train myself to keep generate ideas about thing that I would like to talk about. And it prove useful in my English lesson class; when we were asked to present about something on the spot, think about that particular thing for a limited time, then brag about the topic.
How the cat can cross a group of dog without been chase? Think about it with this picture. Relate it with you, other people (people that is greater than you) and self confidence.
But don't be too confident. People will find out that you're an annoying person in the whole planet.
I'm still thinking about making "30 Seconds To Brag" video for season 2, but due of lack of time, I always have to postpone. Insya-Allah, I'll try to look for a free time and I'll post it in Facebook when I have the chance. ^_^
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