SNS: Main Reason To Depress? by
Assalamualaikum to friend-a-lot boys and forever alone girls~
Do you recognize the icon above? Yes my beloved readers, this is the list of some popular SNS ('Social Network Service' for short) such guess it. Facebook, Tagged, Myspace, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter, Friendster, Google product such as Youtube and even blog like Wordpress and Blogspot (a.k.a Blogger).
I'm pretty sure most of us at least have one of the account from the above link. It's kinda a lie if you guys didn't have one of these. In fact, some people think that it is ridiculous if that particular person didn't have Facebook. To be honest, I have a lot of account. Let me see...for start, I have Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail (from MSN), Facebook, Tagged, Blogger, Youtube, MyYearBook, Twitter, Myspace, and Friendster. The main reason why is simply because I didn't want to lost contact with my fellow buddy. And to be honest, I've been reunite with my old friends from 5 years ago though Facebook, believe it or not. So yeah, I already accomplish my main task. Another reason is that when you losing your phone, you could tell your friends that you're changing your phone number because you simply lost your phone.

But something bother me lately. We're having CNY holiday for 4 days (Saturday till Tuesday, due tomorrow is the last day of the holiday), and there's a lot of post and pictures of my friends hang out with their friends or family members. To be honest, I'm kinda jealous, but thanks to that feeling, I have the idea of posting this entry.
There are plenty of reasons to feel down in today's fast-paced, hectic
world, and you wouldn't think that the world's most popular social networking site would be one of them. But that's exactly what a new study by Utah Valley University has found.
According to the study, Facebook is making us sad. Why? It's all about the kinds of pictures people to post on their pages.
Credit to: My friend, Amnan Shami. Source: Facebook |
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photos generally depict smiling, cheerful people having good times,
conveying a sense of happiness. Of course everyone likes to smile for
the camera, so that good cheer may be inflated or false. As others view
the photos, they may believe this conveyed sense of intense happiness
is real, making them think that their friends are much happier than they
Sociologists Hui-Tzu Grace Chou and Nicholas Edge
said they interviewed 425 students, asking them whether they agreed or
disagreed with such statements as "Many of my friends have a better life
than me," and "Life is fair." They also asked about the students' Facebook usage, including how many "friends" they had on the site, and how many of those friends were really people they knew. After controlling for race, gender, religious beliefs and whether the
volunteers were unattached or in a relationship, the researchers saw a
pattern: The more time students spent on Facebook, the more they thought
others had it better than they did.

"Those who have used Facebook longer agreed more that others were
happier, and agreed less that life is fair, and those spending more time
on Facebook each week agreed more that others were happier and had
better lives," wrote Chou and Edge. "Furthermore, those that included
more people whom they did not personally know as their Facebook
"friends" agreed more that others had better lives."
The study, which was published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking,
also found that people who spent less time socializing with friends in
cyberspace and more time socializing with them in real life were less
likely to report they were unhappy.
So if you are looking for a way to cheer yourself up, the researchers
say you may do well to log off Facebook. Call your best friend instead. But I do think that you don't need a researcher to told you to do that, right?
But sometimes, that's not it. Because of SNS, your relationship with others would end up ugly because of your post regarding anything that would make other people hurt. Thus, you'll have a long time depressing to talk with that person that you didn't meant to post about something you don't mean.
But look at the bright side, SNS could also make us happy. Usually people gets stingy on sending text messages just to wish for your birthday. So, the cheapest and the fastest way (I think) is by SNS. Then you'll have a long thread of wishes. SNS also have the ability to find your old mate. Thus, you can discuss on having a reunion, and will keep on contact though SNS.
So yeah, it all depends on how we use it and how we control our emotion. Next time if you want to have fun, ask your friend to hang out somewhere, take a picture, and make your hater hates you. Haha! xD
I was hoping to have SKDD1 reunion with my old buddy. It's been like 6 years since the last time I contact them. I wonder how are they doing? Hope everything would be fine.
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SNS: Main Reason To Depress? by

Assalamualaikum to friend-a-lot boys and forever alone girls~
Do you recognize the icon above? Yes my beloved readers, this is the list of some popular SNS ('Social Network Service' for short) such guess it. Facebook, Tagged, Myspace, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter, Friendster, Google product such as Youtube and even blog like Wordpress and Blogspot (a.k.a Blogger).
I'm pretty sure most of us at least have one of the account from the above link. It's kinda a lie if you guys didn't have one of these. In fact, some people think that it is ridiculous if that particular person didn't have Facebook. To be honest, I have a lot of account. Let me see...for start, I have Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail (from MSN), Facebook, Tagged, Blogger, Youtube, MyYearBook, Twitter, Myspace, and Friendster. The main reason why is simply because I didn't want to lost contact with my fellow buddy. And to be honest, I've been reunite with my old friends from 5 years ago though Facebook, believe it or not. So yeah, I already accomplish my main task. Another reason is that when you losing your phone, you could tell your friends that you're changing your phone number because you simply lost your phone.

But something bother me lately. We're having CNY holiday for 4 days (Saturday till Tuesday, due tomorrow is the last day of the holiday), and there's a lot of post and pictures of my friends hang out with their friends or family members. To be honest, I'm kinda jealous, but thanks to that feeling, I have the idea of posting this entry.
There are plenty of reasons to feel down in today's fast-paced, hectic
world, and you wouldn't think that the world's most popular social networking site would be one of them. But that's exactly what a new study by Utah Valley University has found.
According to the study, Facebook is making us sad. Why? It's all about the kinds of pictures people to post on their pages.
Credit to: My friend, Amnan Shami. Source: Facebook |
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photos generally depict smiling, cheerful people having good times,
conveying a sense of happiness. Of course everyone likes to smile for
the camera, so that good cheer may be inflated or false. As others view
the photos, they may believe this conveyed sense of intense happiness
is real, making them think that their friends are much happier than they
Sociologists Hui-Tzu Grace Chou and Nicholas Edge
said they interviewed 425 students, asking them whether they agreed or
disagreed with such statements as "Many of my friends have a better life
than me," and "Life is fair." They also asked about the students' Facebook usage, including how many "friends" they had on the site, and how many of those friends were really people they knew. After controlling for race, gender, religious beliefs and whether the
volunteers were unattached or in a relationship, the researchers saw a
pattern: The more time students spent on Facebook, the more they thought
others had it better than they did.

"Those who have used Facebook longer agreed more that others were
happier, and agreed less that life is fair, and those spending more time
on Facebook each week agreed more that others were happier and had
better lives," wrote Chou and Edge. "Furthermore, those that included
more people whom they did not personally know as their Facebook
"friends" agreed more that others had better lives."
The study, which was published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking,
also found that people who spent less time socializing with friends in
cyberspace and more time socializing with them in real life were less
likely to report they were unhappy.
So if you are looking for a way to cheer yourself up, the researchers
say you may do well to log off Facebook. Call your best friend instead. But I do think that you don't need a researcher to told you to do that, right?
But sometimes, that's not it. Because of SNS, your relationship with others would end up ugly because of your post regarding anything that would make other people hurt. Thus, you'll have a long time depressing to talk with that person that you didn't meant to post about something you don't mean.
But look at the bright side, SNS could also make us happy. Usually people gets stingy on sending text messages just to wish for your birthday. So, the cheapest and the fastest way (I think) is by SNS. Then you'll have a long thread of wishes. SNS also have the ability to find your old mate. Thus, you can discuss on having a reunion, and will keep on contact though SNS.
So yeah, it all depends on how we use it and how we control our emotion. Next time if you want to have fun, ask your friend to hang out somewhere, take a picture, and make your hater hates you. Haha! xD
I was hoping to have SKDD1 reunion with my old buddy. It's been like 6 years since the last time I contact them. I wonder how are they doing? Hope everything would be fine.
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