Y U No Update~?! by
I'm sorry that I didn't have time to update my blog. I'm actually kinda bust lately, since that moment when I were elected to be Vice-President for Kelab Usahawanan Siswa UiTM Perlis. And yesterday, I had attend my second module for part 2. So, as you can see, I'm quite busy. True to all the saying, as you getting older, you'll face many problems and you'll get busy every time, if you didn't manage your time well.
And so, here's some of my schedule for this month:
Last Saturday, I have test for my Account, yesterday, I have to attend my second module, and tomorrow I have to think to throw something for my friends's birthday. But I'll be free after that.
There's a lot of things that I want to share with you guys, but I didn't have a chance because I'm busy for a moment. But Insya-Allah, if everything goes smoothly, I'll update ALL that I want to post, from my laptop (Notepad), to a blog post. So, make sure to keep in touch. And sorry again for a long silence.
Do you guys have any ideas on what to give to your girl friend~? LOL~ =,="
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Y U No Update~?! by

I'm sorry that I didn't have time to update my blog. I'm actually kinda bust lately, since that moment when I were elected to be Vice-President for Kelab Usahawanan Siswa UiTM Perlis. And yesterday, I had attend my second module for part 2. So, as you can see, I'm quite busy. True to all the saying, as you getting older, you'll face many problems and you'll get busy every time, if you didn't manage your time well.
And so, here's some of my schedule for this month:
Last Saturday, I have test for my Account, yesterday, I have to attend my second module, and tomorrow I have to think to throw something for my friends's birthday. But I'll be free after that.
There's a lot of things that I want to share with you guys, but I didn't have a chance because I'm busy for a moment. But Insya-Allah, if everything goes smoothly, I'll update ALL that I want to post, from my laptop (Notepad), to a blog post. So, make sure to keep in touch. And sorry again for a long silence.
Do you guys have any ideas on what to give to your girl friend~? LOL~ =,="
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