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Catch Up + Current Schedule / Update + Future Plan + A Word Or Two (APRIL 2013) by
24 April 2013|0 talkative person(s)

Assalamualaikum and a very lovely day to all~  :D

First and foremost, I would like to apologize to everyone that I did not update recently~ I think the last time I update is around October last year. It's not like I did not want to update, but because of my tight schedule, I keep forgetting to update every time I have the chance. That is because I'm using that free time for me to have enough rest.
If you're wondering what I have been doing since last October, here's some stuff that you guys might interested to know;

Pretty much it. I'm pretty busy with all the stuff that I need to catch up. Honestly speaking, I need some space to breath.
Another reason is that my internet connection in my collage are kinda slow, so I can't really surf the net much, since it's a hassle to just wait for a good internet connection.

So that's the end of explanation of what's going on from October 2012 until recent. Now I'm going to explain my current schedule / update, which is since after my last final exam paper (14th April 2013).

After my final exam, I have to stay at Arau for a while. That means, no holiday for a while. Why? Because I have to attend training for the coming debate competition. By the time you guys read this post, I'm currently waiting for our flight to Kuching, Sarawak for Keyalang Debate Open.

With my team mate, Aidi Sauqee~ :D
I personally feel a little disappointed because the Penang Debate Open supposedly to be held on the 18th April,  but because of PRU13, they have to change the date of the competition. (I think that's the reason). Oh well, that only means I have to constantly travel and it's going to be a very busy week / month for me. Which means, no holiday for me. Oh well, a great man need to sacrifice something for a greater good.
Praying that everything went well while I'm there, amin.

Next, I would like to explain my future plan after I came back from Sarawak.

We're supposedly be back to Penang / Semenanjung on 29th April, 11.30AM. That is, if they stick with the original plan, which is I hope that's the case.
After that, I'm thinking of creating another blog. Not that I want to leave this blog; my other blog is more to personal blog; what's going on around me, what I've been doing. This is mostly are for my family, friends and anyone that close to me, so I'm still deciding if I should private my personal blog or not. But I think you bros want to get some updates about me, so I guess I should let the setting as it be.
Then, I'm going to stay at KL for a while, then visit Jengka since my best friend are dying to meet me, then going back to Rompin, again because of my best friend. Of course, my family as well.
I'll be staying until Teacher's Day, then I have to pack my stuff back for going back to Arau to train my junior for Penang Debate Open. I'll be the judge for the next event instead of as a contestant. It is for give way for the junior to took part of the competition in university level as well.

I think that's all for now. But before I go, I think it would be wise if I should say something a word or two.

It's been a while since the last time I'm riding an airplane to go somewhere. The last time is when I was a little kid, to Medan, Indonesia if I remember correctly. For that point, my ambition is from a teacher to a pilot. That is, is when I was a little kid. When I was still an innocent, pure kid. *ehem*

But as I'm getting older, things changes without I even realized. But apparently, thanks to that changes, I found my true, real talent; ICT. And it's all begin in Rompin, Pahang.
Sitting here in Penang International Airport makes me realize how much things change, and because of that, I'm also changing. You can also say that I'm evolving according to the development and advancement of current technology.

What I'm trying to say is, the original plan sometimes is not the correct and accurate plan for you. You just have to move along and improvise on what you're going to do in the future. You can't expect things goes according to plan; it will in some certain cases, but in life, that's not really the case unless if you're wise and smart enough to predict your own future.

Which I try before, and epicly fail. I still remember I'm studying my Physic subject back when I was in high school, and I'm studying so hard, I'm aiming for 'A' since you need to get great grade to enter piloting school. But ever since Form 4 until the end of Form 5, I end up getting 'C' or 'B' for my Physic subject, while I got 'A' for my ICT subject. Every single exam. Even SPM.
So after a few discussion with teachers and family members, I decided to pursue IT field, and apparently, IT field fits me perfectly.

I never expect of taking IT in the first place. In fact, I'm consider IT as my hobby since I know that I'm good at IT stuff because I'm always explore for myself whenever I want to know about IT stuff.
Basically, you need an aim first. If things change, improvise. That way, even you can't get what you're aiming, you got something much better for you in the future. Try to think about it for a second. :)

Aim high...I guess I'm not 'aiming' high enough.

Oh yeah, speaking of aiming, I always aiming high, but in this case, I guess 'sky' is an appropriate answer for the picture above. xD
Well, I guess I can 'jump' higher than the picture above later, when I'm going to Sarawak. :)

That's all from me folks. Wish us luck in our debate competition, for both BM and BI team. I'm aiming high. Sarawak, I'm coming for you.


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